About Me
Hi! My name is Sophie Shanahan-Kluth, or just Sophie S-K for short. My full name often doesn't fit into name fields.
I'm a full-stack developer based in Wiltshire. I moved here from Bristol, where I studied Web Design at UWE, and am now living with my partner and two cats, Juno and Maia. I like cats, coffee, music, cats, improving myself, being envrionmentally conscious, cats, and art. Mostly in that order.
I started working with the web when I was about thirteen, creating pages on Neopets, Geocities and AvidGamers. To start with I thought of myself as a front-end developer (who doesn't like making things look nice?!) but through university and afterwards I've moved more towards back-end work. Now I mostly do back-end development, and thrive when working on gnarly integration problems, but I do still pick up front-end tasks. When all else fails I also pick up sysadmin work, or help with various Scrum processes, or write documentation, or ... well, I like to turn my hand to anything! Every day is a learning day :)